Author Introductions
The members of Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece, a seminar hosted by Pomona College in the spring of 2021 are the authors of this Pressbook.
We are: Dr. Jody Valentine, Lillian Aff, Jayda Delatorre, Philip Duchild, Elizabeth Finster, Adi Gandhi, Sarah Grade, Cynthia Hannahs, Peeper Hersey-Powers, Nathaniel Hodgson-Walker, Valerie Jackman, Miranda Mattlin, Angelica Meneses Olvera, Camille Molas, Juliana Romeo, Phoebe Salowey, Kate Shimamoto, Carolyn Walden, Rinny Williamson, and Lauren Ziment.
Here, we introduce ourselves as we begin to create a collaborative, learning community.