71 Jayda’s Reflection

Jayda Delatorre

For my final thoughts, I really am not sure exactly what to say! I feel as though I might have used all my creative juices throughout the semester and now I’m left with nothing except incoherent thoughts. I think our work together over the past semester has been incredibly meaningful and only because I have such amazing classmates was I able to really get a better understanding of the texts and their interpretations. I feel pride in knowing that despite everything, despite zoom and covid and uncertainties about the future, we all still managed to have a pretty decent class! I feel like we’ve all made things to be proud of, and in ways I would’ve never dreamed of previously.

I’m not sure how much I tangibly learned in this class. As many have said, I feel like I’ve learned that nobody really knows anything and that history is such an easily influenced topic. This is why, looking at it with a more critical and conscientious lens was something I was glad we did over the semester.

I know that everyone is making very awesomely meaningful things for the end project, but like I said, I definetly peaked mid semester and now all my creative energy feels depleted. I did make this little doodle of my class experience. In it, I included some of my favorite memories, like Jody swearing constantly or when Connie played guitar and sang for all of us or when Camille and her group did the AWESOME river skit! These are all just moments which I was surprised and impressed by my peers and memories that I think have shaped my first year in college. I’ve also included a little Sappho lounging under a tree and a soldier and some arrows popping out from the Illiad. I feel like my laptop may be the most important object there though, because without my classmates, these books would’ve never felt alive.

Thank you all for a great year!


Gender & Sexuality in Ancient Greece Copyright © by Jayda Delatorre. All Rights Reserved.

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