
30 Oregon

  • Oregon is a progressive state and has several laws protecting LGBTQIA+ individuals, including education
  • OAR 581-022-2050 – Human Sexuality Education
  • “Each school district shall provide an age-appropriate, comprehensive plan of instruction focusing on human sexuality education, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and disease prevention in elementary and secondary schools as an integral part of health education and other subjects. Course material and instruction for all human sexuality education courses that discuss human sexuality in public elementary and secondary schools shall enhance students’ understanding of sexuality as a normal and healthy aspect of human development.”
  • Comprehensive sex-ed is required in public schools, including education about sexuality that recognizes different sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expression
  • Abstinence is also taught alongside other methods of pregnancy and STI prevention and safer sex. Oregon’s standards specifically direct schools to “discuss abstinence alongside sexual and reproductive choices,” and they say health education should “provide medically accurate information on pregnancy options.”
  • Trans Legislation Tracker – OR
  • Recently several bills have been proposed to limit trans rights, but have all failed
  • This means that Oregon has several laws to protect the rights of trans people, including having menstrual products available in both “male” and “female” bathrooms, permitting students to participate on sports teams that align with their gender identity, providing gender-affirming care to incarcerated people, etc.


A History of Sexuality Toolkit Copyright © by Jody Valentine; Clementine Sparks Farnum; Corinne S; Ellen J; Jane L; Jonah; Kae T; Kevin Carlson; Lauren; Madison Hesse; Mikayla Stout; Sara Cawley; Sophie Varma; Tristen Leone; and Ximena Alba Barcenas. All Rights Reserved.