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Educational Evaluation, Assessment, & Effectiveness Glossary Copyright © 2021 by Afaf Igbaria; Aishah Shubily; Amir Zargar A. Zargar; Ana Guillen; Ani Apyan; C. Monroy; Guillermo Lopez; Kimberly A Megyesi-Brem; Kolby Rousseve; Lavanya Jawaharlal; Levon Ghanimian; Lindsey T. Kunisaki; M. Harrington Clifford; Maureen Ruiz-Sundstrom; Melissa Soto; Michelle G. Cardenas; Ruby Ramirez-Murillo; Steve Flores; Sunny Le; Yuteng Wang; and Jasmine Zavala is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.