
12 On Citations

Yes, citations.

Yes, citations. Requirements for class assignments will undoubtedly vary from instructor to instructor, with some common factors: write clearly, formulate an argument concisely, do not over quote, and… cite adequately the sources that you are using in your work. Here some tips in how to cite, followed by a reflect on why should you cite at all.

First, what is a citation? To cite is to quote someone else’s words, ideas, writings, etc. A citation is then a reference to this other source that you are appealing to in your writings, talking, reasoning. Citations have become increasingly important since the late 19th century, for a variety of reasons: more accessibility to publications; increase of the number of people involved in the same conversation (so that two people could no longer just refer to “that book we read”, since the reference is lost to anyone outside the circle); and so on. There are now many citation styles developed, as Christy McDaniel discusses in her “Geez, why so many citation styles?“, and reasons why different styles had to be invented in the first place. These are curious facts, but even scholars and researchers go through their entire career without knowing the history of citations styles, and so can you. You must however learn to cite.

Remember that the purpose of a citation is twofold: one, showing that there is evidence supporting what you are saying. This can result in the establishment of a fact: if I say it, and there are these X pieces of evidence that I am citing, and these other scholars that I am also citing reached the same conclusions, then we can take the argument to be reliable. We are establishing evidence-based, agreed-upon, facts.

DOs and DONTs

  1. Do stick with one citation style. Be consistent. For most undergraduate writing, it will not matter which one you are using, but the consistency helps readers of your paper.
  2. Although this is not mandatory, but in general, adding citations in a footnote as opposed to Author-Date citation system help the reading flow. With the Author-Date citation system, the citation goes in the main text, somewhat interrupting it. E.g., “According to Poli (2022, 16)…”. The bibliography is then the space to provide full references to what you cited.

Online Resources

Why is citation so important? 

ZoteroBib, an online tool to create citations. You search in the main box by title, ISBN, etc, and hit “cite”. Once the title is found, you can choose between citation styles (e.g., MLA vs Chicago). It also keeps a running list of all the items you looked for, so you can go back to earlier ones or use the tool to build a bibliography.


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