
Land Acknowledgement

East Los Angeles College honors with gratitude and respect the original caretakers of this land and their descendants, people who today call themselves GabrieleƱo, Tongva, or Kizh. We acknowledge the many devastating impacts of repeated waves of settler colonialism wrought upon these people and their ancestors by the Catholic missions, Spain, Mexico, and the United States, who took their homeland by force and deception, including the places our college occupies. The rich culture, accomplishments, humanity, and continued presence of GabrieleƱo, Tongva, and Kizh people have too often been ignored, marginalized, and removed from our history and awareness as a consequence of these colonial acts. As an educational institution, we recognize our responsibility to highlight Indigenous histories and advocate for practices, policies, and actions that bring justice for past, present and emerging native communities.


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More Than Free Copyright © 2022 by Cynthia Mari Orozco is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.