9 Adam’s Favorite Pandemic Podcasts

Adam’s Favorite Pandemic Podcasts


nto the Zone:
The Last Archive:
this show is sometimes a little hokey, but Jill Lepore is always worth reading and listening to.  I recommend her history fo the US, “These Truths”
This is the Claremont Episode I mentioned:
Throughline, NPR’s history show:
almost always excellent.
NPR Embedded:
(the series about Mitch McConnell was excellent)
No Compromise, NPR:
(a deep, depressing analysis about the American manage a trois  between Guns, Politics and Religion)
Blind Spot, the Road to 9/11:




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Librarians Demo Book 2021 Copyright © by Jennifer Beamer; Ashley Larson; Xiuying Zou; Holly Gardinier; and Adam Rosenkranz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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