Mi lugar en el mundo
Objetivos de aprendizaje
In this module we will explore our relationship with place and how this is reflected in language and our everyday life.
Specifically, we will share our experiences around:
- how to exchange information about our place in the world.
- how to exchange information about the place, neighbourhood, city, country that we call home.
- how to describe a place, its main features and attractions (VERBOS: HABER, SER, ESTAR, TENER).
We will also continue to learn about sociocultural practices in the Spanish-speaking world relevant to these objectives.
Content explored in previous modules will also be integrated into this one as will ways of connecting and expanding our speech through KEY CONNECTING WORDS:
- to add information (y, también)
- to contrast information (pero)
- to introduce examples (por ejemplo)
- to introduce cause (porque, por eso)